
The Festival of Lights, Diwali is a celebration that marks the victory of good over evil, light over dark and knowledge over ignorance. Widely celebrated by Hindus across the world, festivities include the lighting of oil lamps on the day that signifies the return of Lord Ram after 14 years in exile as detailed in the epic, Ramayana. Exchanging gifts, feasting on traditional sweets and wearing new clothes are other Diwali traditions. A time for both gratitude and gaiety, here’s how Diwali is celebrated around the world.

Known as Deepavali, the day is a public holiday in Singapore. With a significant Hindu population, the fervor in Little India is akin to that in any city in India, if not more! The streets are transformed by colourful flowers, buntings and lights. Storefronts are decorated in hues of red and gold and the wafting aroma of flowers and incense fills the air. People are dressed in their fineries as prayers are held to thank the divine.

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The festival of colours and joy is just around the corner. No doubt you are excited to celebrate it in the most fantastic way. But have you made any plans as to how you’ll celebrate this festival differently this year? We suggest – take a break from the usual Holi celebrations that you experience each year. This time, why not travel to a fantastic destination and participate in the most fun filled and gripping Holi celebrations? Like, the sensational Holi parties happening in Delhi!

After staying indoors during Holi the previous year (phew, the pandemic!), you definitely are looking for a fun filled Holi celebration in 2022. And there definitely shouldn’t be any halts and hiccups while playing with colours this year. So, don’t think much, just get a nice car, take your friends, family, or partner along and head towards the capital to attend some mind-blowing parties being held there.

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Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion.

The origins of Christmas stem from both the pagan and Roman cultures. The Romans actually celebrated two holidays in the month of December. The first was Saturnalia, which was a two-week festival honoring their god of agriculture Saturn. On December 25th, they celebrated the birth of Mithra, their sun god.

The traditionally Christian holiday is a celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus in Bethlehem to Joseph and the Virgin Mary. The English term “Christmas” comes from the combination of the words “mass” and “Christ,” according to the Encyclopedia Britannica.

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